
Thinking Beans: A Year of Classroom Philosophy Lessons


Click here to download an extract including four sample sessions

David Birch’s Thinking Beans is a playful and engaging approach to P4C. I am jealous of the fun that writer and students must have had in creating these sessions. The quirkiness and memorability of the stimuli makes them a great focus for enquiry – you can see, and in a few instances, even lick or eat the philosophy!

As well as 40 lessons to last a whole year of philosophy sessions, there are “Bonus Beans” including a Question Invention tool and a richly imaginative homework project that was created during the first coronavirus lockdown.

40 Classroom sessions suitable for upper primary or secondary

A5 perfect-bound book, 138 pages

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40 Philosophy Sessions + Bonus material

These excellent sessions combine deep thinking with a playful approach that is a great hit with children. Each explores a different theme via some interesting “experiments in thinking” and accompanying questions. It’s a great support to people who are new to facilitating philosophy for children, but as someone who has been doing this for 15 years it’s also the best book of stand-alone sessions I’ve come across. I can only contain my professional jealousy because I had the pleasure of publishing it! – Jason

Or one for each of your teachers in a particular year group – Year 5 to Year 8 is the absolute sweet spot for this resource (apart from “Coalescence” which is rather racy!). Due to the limitations of our e-commerce set up, it will show on your invoice as a single copy but rest assured we’ll be sending you two (or twice as many as you pay full price for). One for you and one for a friend?

This is a book to help your students experience the wild flight of thinking. Its fun hands-on lessons are filled with questions and activities designed to baffle and befuddle. Suitable for both primary and secondary students, they can be used to fill a pocket of time in your day or serve as the basis of a philosophy curriculum. The lessons are conversational and work perfectly as whole-class activities. Their metamorphic powers will turn your class of students into an intermingled thinking organism, and what happens next is entirely unpredictable. That is the joy of thinking beans: you can never be quite sure what will grow out of them.

David Birch is author of Provocations: Philosophy for Secondary school and teaches philosophy and religious studies at Highgate School. He trained as a specialist with The Philosophy Foundation.

Weight .311 kg
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