Is Shame a Shame?

Is Shame a Shame? 

This week, a session on shame developed for our online classes at . It starts with the story of workers at a children’s home trying to introduce teenagers to the concept of shame by themselves acting ridiculously on public transport, allowing the youngsters to see in adults the norm-breaking behaviour they couldn’t see in themselves. 


Shame is one of those philosophically interesting “good in the bad” concepts. Although nobody enjoys shame, without it, would we be less likely to do the right thing? But when does shame become counterproductive and make the world a worse rather than a better place? 

Here is the full session plan. I rarely use all the prompts and always listen for new directions the discussion could take. The way to use such a resource is to relax into it, know that you have more than enough for an interesting session, and  free yourself to listen and be in the moment. Don’t feel you need to “get through the material”. 

Best wishes,

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