150+ Useful Videos for P4C

This week, I just wanted to remind you of the treasure-trove of resources on our YouTube Channel, There are some 40 videos with explanations of Community Builder games or Facilitation Moves you can deploy to enhance a discussion. On another note, if you or anyone you know is involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, please take a look at the P.S. at the bottom.

There are 100 Spot and Stripe videos to use a a quick start to discussions, grouped in age 4-7, 8-11 and 11-16.

And some other training materials, such as this “Pause for ThoughT” video that can used for staff training about Sticky Questions (but also offers useful ideas for any discussion).

Of course, video is no substitute for being together in physical space. I’m looking forward to doing more in-school work this term, and still have availability for workshops and training, whether that’s part of an activities week or otherwise.

Best wishes,


P.S re:DofE – My outdoor education company, Outspark, like the rest of the outdoor industry, is experiencing a boom as young people queue to access the experiences they’ve missed out on/parents rejoice in shipping them out for the weekend. We sometimes have to cap the number of participants we can run DofE expeditions for because we need more staff. If you have a qualification such as BEL or Lowland Leader or higher, are in the S/SE of England, and would enjoy doing something different several weekends each year, take a look at our call for new instructors. We have several secondary teachers on our team who run DofE in their own schools but also work for us – some would say that doing DofE at the weekend is what keeps them sane for the day job! We also have lots of people from Scouting and other voluntary backgrounds who can enjoy getting paid to do something similar, and take back new skills and ways of working to their own troops etc.

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