Why organising a special day doesn't have to be stressful

We're invited by lots of teachers to work with their students, because they know the day will make a tangible difference to students' learning - and they know they can leave it to us.

There's no typical booking...

Are you a More Able Co-ordinator looking for something special to stretch your students?

A Head of Year / Phase, keen to add something different to your schedule?

Someone who recognises that challenge isn't just about academic grades, but about taking risks, thinking on your feet and being resilient in the face of difficulty?

Do you have a budget for visiting speakers, but want to make sure it has a real impact?

If any of the above sounds like you, read on. 


"Watching Tom's workshop I was amazed at how it hit EVERY box about oracy..."

Why us?

Our energetic, interactive and challenging days are highly sought after for a number of situations, from activity weeks, to academic challenges to inter-school competitions, to themed days, such as National Interfaith Day.

We've run special days for hundreds of schools since 2008.

We work with you - and design a day that exceeds your aims and expectations.

We're leading experts in stretching the more able (Jason is Director of GIFT and Tom used to be a More Able Co-Ordinator at a top London school).

Off-site challenge days are a hoot for the students, but can lack a legacy on teaching and learning. We run everything in-school, so teachers can watch and take ideas from.

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What are my options?

Many schools choose to run an event for the whole-school, or a particular group of pupils. Our energetic, interactive and challenging days are highly sought after for a number of situations, from activity weeks, to academic challenges to inter-school competitions, to themed days, such as National Interfaith Day.

We have a range of tried-and-tested events but tailor each one for your requirements.

Here's a few that we run most often...

Argumentag Wrestling Championship

This is a fast paced debating game in which students have to think on their feet to defend their position in a range of arguments against an opposing team. They have to support one another, being both willing to take their turn in “the ring” and willing to see their place amongst their teammates. This activity develops boldness, spontaneity and confidence, as well as the willingness to enjoy taking an intellectual risk by exposing your thinking to the challenge of others.

Argumentennis demonstrated at Ho Chi Minh International School, 2017

The Ethics Committee

Each team is presented with a scenario that involves a moral dilemma or other ethical decision. It could be whether or not the scientific experiment should go ahead, or a decision in war, or a question of public policy.

They have time to prepare their response and decision, then one team presents their dilemma to the other and shares their reasoning. The other team asks questions to which the presenting team must respond. Then they swap and the other team presents their dilemma. This activity promotes collaboration in building a case, and responding to challenges under pressure.


Design an "Evilometer"

Is it better for a young man in a lifeboat to give up his seat, or to throw an old man overboard to make room for a mother and her children? Is letting someone fall down an open lift shaft any different to giving him a gentle shove? Grapple with ethical dilemmas such as these before creating your own juicy questions and vote for one to tackle as the ultimate challenge to your combined philosophical powers. Philosophy. Not for the squeamish.


Recently, we also have run:

  • Alien Adventures in Philosophy interactive storytelling – for 240 pupils
  • After school debating workshop for Year 10 scholars
  • Philosothon for groups of pupils from several schools within a cluster
  • Academic Challenge days for prospective new pupils
  • Interfaith day workshops

"I loved how everyone got involved and nobody felt left out."

"All the positive testimonials provided by other schools was certainly a winning factor for us. The training and workshops were simply outstanding."

Fancy a chat about it?

No obligation - just a chat about what might be possible! Book youself into our calendar today.

"P4C has enabled children to voice their opinions in a calm and controlled manner whilst having their views challenged."

What's the cost?

Pupil event days will depend on the number of students involved - and therefore how many philosophers we need to bring!

Contact us below to talk more about how we can work with you. 

Interested in a pupil event?

We'd love to hear from you. Contact us through any of the means below.

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